================================================== ps3649 d:\northps\block123-14dec07\ps3649.txt 15 Dec 07 15:27:10 Saturday elapsed time 00:07:09 Rectangular area = 0.875 km2 Data area = 0.874 km2 *percent double coverage = 98.875 **low-curvature dc area = 0.003 km2 1st-return RMSE, low-curvature areas = 1.245 95p = 2.717, 98p = 2.915, 99.5p = 3.115 BE RMSE = 2.713 95p = 4.973, 98p = 7.283, 99.5p = 12.473 1965236 unique returns and 0 duplicate returns 181090.829757 1363019.04 577257.4 1673.19 1 1 181103.394938 1360273.43 577254.48 1816.23 2 1 791.464611 181894.859549 1360270.17 578848.51 2346.09 2 1 181909.884069 1363269.48 577266.61 1686.5 1 1 718.329833 182628.213902 1363268.19 580204.6 2754.44 2 1 182642.099051 1360270.03 577373.63 1858.72 1 1 1016.223305 183658.322356 1360271.85 580247.32 2787.89 2 1 183673.458965 1363269.66 578402.48 2230.83 1 1 975494 1st returns 989742 2nd returns 0 3rd returns 0 4th returns 138969 ground returns 0 blunders curvature versus slope n = 207233 X=0, Y = 54.50 +/- 19.40 Weighted least-squares fit: Y = 61.3 + 1.824 X + -0.01990 X**2 slope versus dZ, curvature < 5 n = 26087 Weighted least-squares fit: Y = 83.6 + -1.493 X + 0.01313 X**2 at X = 100, Y = 65.7 Bad fit. P2 = 0 slope versus dZ, curvature < 15 n = 75542 Weighted least-squares fit: Y = 82.8 + -1.380 X + 0.01265 X**2 curvature versus dZ, slope < 10 n = 611 X=0, Y = 83.29 +/- 27.96 Weighted least-squares fit: Y = 79.6 + -3.843 X + 0.66616 X**2 Number of samples 209956 Max dz = 900 Mean dz = 69 RMS dz = 117.123866056 100cm = 80.2687229705 percentile value of dz Number of survey units in 1 meter = 3.208 Nominal spot spacing (in survey units) = 5 Nominal pulse density (per m2) = 1 Difference cell size = 2.5 IsData cell size = 1.25 IsData expand cells = 8 IsData shrink cells = 7 BE IsData cell size = 2.5 BE IsData expand cells = 24 BE IsData shrink cells = 24 MaxCurve = 24.69903359999 Curvature expand cells = 4 Curvature shrink cells = 3 Point density cell size = 20 Color critical value = 0.3208 Hue jump at critical value = 90